how is asto set up?
The structure of asto isn’t unusual, but the funding of treatments is a very new concept
in a picture
how does it work?
Asto Clinics Charity Ltd receives donations like any other charity, and has a Board of Trustees. It is a fully registered UK charity with number 1190240.
Asto Clinics Charity Ltd is a Company limited by guarantee, and has no shareholders.
In common with many other charities, it has a trading subsidiary called Asto Clinics Ltd. It is this company that runs the OCD Group Therapy Programme, and engages the Programme team.
Asto Clinics Ltd receives it’s income from patients who either pay for themselves, or have private health insurance, together with financial support from the charity.
Any profits that Asto Clinics Ltd makes are 100% gift aided back up to the charity, and they are then in turn used to fund further treatments for patients.
In summary, all donations from supporters, and payments received from patients are used to pay for the cost of running the OCD programme, and any surplus is used to help those patients that need financial support for treatment.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Steve on steve@astoclinics.com.