suitabilility criteria
Whilst we’d love to help everyone, we can’t. The programme isn’t for everyone.
We are keen to help, but first we need to make sure our treatment programme is right for you. So there are a couple of steps:
Step One – we need you to make sure that you fully satisfy all of the following initial criteria:
be aged 18+ years
registered with a United Kingdom General Practitioner
you know or believe that OCD is your main/significant problem (note that hoarding disorder, illness (health) anxiety disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder are distinct disorders from OCD and our programme is not suitable to treat these problems)
you are not currently experiencing any suicidal intent or plans
you are both able and willing to attend 12 2-hour weekly sessions alone in a private place via Zoom with your device camera switched on at all times
you are not currently attending any addiction or eating disorders services
you have not been diagnosed or believe that you have borderline personality disorder or emotionally unstable personality disorder as our programme is not suitable for you
you are fully committed to completing all “homework” assignments set every week throughout the programme
Step Two - if you meet the criteria, please give us a call on 02843444110. This provides you with an opportunity to chat things through, and ask questions, and it also helps us to make sure we can offer what you need the most.
Research has clearly shown that weekly completion of all homework assignments is one of the most important factors in achieving the best results or improvements through cognitive-behaviour therapy for OCD.
In view of this, homework is an integral part of our OCD Treatment Programme and this is why it will be set each week with the expectation that it will be completed by the following week. Sometimes, this homework will involve reading specific book chapters, applying therapeutic techniques, or carrying out certain exercises, which may lead to a degree of brief discomfort, which is common in the process of delivering effective treatment for OCD.
Therefore, a solid and consistent commitment to completing all of the homework assignments is essential to being considered suitable for the programme.