so far, so good

Let’s take a look at what asto has achieved so far

Our first cohort started on 28th June 2022.

Since then, we have:

  • Received 1,065 enquiries from 15 different referral sources

  • Completed 239 telephone screenings

  • Performed 125 clinical assessments

  • Run and completed 14 programmes

  • Run 166 group therapy sessions of 2 hours each

  • 96 patients have completed the programme

  • Our 15th cohort is underway

Our outcomes so far

  • Of the 96 patients that have completed our programme, 75% had previous therapy (CBT/ERP) and 73% were taking medication for their OCD.

  • Of the 96 patients, 62 (64.6%) have had a clinical response to their treatment, which means that their symptoms and the effects of their OCD have got significantly better, and 39 (40.6%) have recovered from their OCD. (i.e., they became OCD-free)

  • Our patient satisfaction score is 97%. This is based on 4 questions after the completion of the 12 week programme based on the patients experience with us

  • On the scale of likeliness to recommend asto, with 10 being extremely likely, we scored 9.8

To see what our patients are saying about us, please look at the testimonials here.